Monday, April 29, 2013

Detroit Lions Draft 2K13: The Results

Well fans, another draft has come and gone and I’ve got two words to describe this years new crop of Lions: Bigger and Faster. In all my years of trying to predict how this team will draft, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them stay the course as they did this year.  Not counting the punter, Sam Martin from Appalachian State (a pick by the way I don’t mind because he’s cheap and he can’t be any worse than Nick Harris) they got bigger and longer players for both sides of the ball which is an absolute necessity playing in the loaded NFC North.

I think I like the Larry Warford pick the best mainly because the guy is a beast.  At 6-3, 333 lb. Warford is going to be like Andre the Giant in the middle of that line.  Having Bush and Leshoure cutting through the mudholes Warford will create will be a definite boost to the Lions terrible running game.  In addition to Warford, the Lions added Corey Fuller, a WR from Virginia Tech with 4.4 speed and another blocking tight end, Michael Williams from Alabama.  He reminds me of a younger Will Heller so I don’t expect much from him catching the ball, more so from blocking and helping the run game.

Defensively, everyone wants to breakdown the Ziggy Ansah pick.  A guy who has only played American football for two years will be the premier pass rusher for the Lions this season.  He’s longer, faster and more athletic which is all well and good if he pans out.  NFL Experts compare him to a Jason Pierre-Paul of two years ago which is great if that’s the player the Lions drafted.  If Ansah doesn’t mature into that type of player though, we could have another big bust on our hands.  The other DE they drafted was Devin Taylor, from South Carolina.  He played opposite of Jadaveon Clowney and at 6-7, 276lb. with 4.7 speed and 36 in. wingspan, the Lions on paper successfully upgraded their D-Line.

They also took CB Darius Slay from Mississippi State.  He recorded the fastest 40 time in the combine but is coming off a leg injury.  Slay has great speed and is a press corner, something the Lions have lacked for a long time.  He, paired with Chris Houston actually makes for a decent secondary.  Add in the FA signing of Glover Quin and the Lions might actually defend the pass this year.   

They also got a running back from Notre Dame, Theo Riddick, but he played for ND so he sucks and won't make the team.

Bottom line, the Lions drafted for needs.  They got bigger and faster and made sensible picks as opposed to going with the “best player available” approach.  The Lions have to hope that the value and talent of each draftee will work out because they were not in a “sure thing” draft position.  We’ll all have to wait a few more months before we can see these guys in action but on paper, I think they did a good job.  Winning starts from within your division.  The Lions have gone 33-87 over the last 10 years in the NFC North so the Lions have got to TCB in their division before looking at the bigger picture.  Optimism runs high for football fans this time of year.  As we inch closer to OTA’s we’ll get a better idea of what it means for the 2013 Detroit Lions.

On a sidenote, the Red Wings made the playoffs for a 22nd straight year and Eric Fisher was the #1 Draft Pick.  Fire Up Chips and Fire Up Fisher!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Lions Draft Preview 2K13 Part 3: The Aftermath

Ziggy Ansah. That’s the newest Detroit Lion. He’s, from what I read, a ridiculously talented athlete that has major upside.  Schwartz is saying that the Lions didn't draft Ansah as a project and they expect him to contribute right away.  Lions Brass may not view him as a gamble with the pick  but I will say that Mayhew and Schwartz have taken a gamble with their jobs because if Ansah is a bust, you can kiss them goodbye!

Ansah will provide some much needed help to a defensive line that is without edge rushers.  Yes, the combo of Willie Young and Jason Jones provide a cheaper alternative to KVB and Cliff Avril but that doesn’t mean drafting a guy who has played football for two years is the answer.  There are two potential outcomes for Ansah with the Lions.  He’s either a stud that NFL pundits say could turn into a Jason Pierre Paul from a couple years ago OR he’s just another shitty Lions pick. 

No doubt tonight in the 2nd and 3rd rounds they’ll need to hit OL and CB but this bottom line is a risky pick.  As I’ve mentioned in my previous blogs, I still see them taking Watson and Jones somehow someway.  They need the help across the board and considering the top flight of CB’s are off the board, I don’t think the Lions can stretch to take another CB project. 

It will be interesting to see how tonight plays out.  A lot of offense was left on the draft board last night and still a lot of players considered as first round material still available.  If the Lions can swing a trade to get another second rounder or an early third could prove pivotal for the future of the Lions.  Tune later tonight and come back Monday for the recap from the weekend. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lions Draft Preview 2K13 Part 2

Predicting the Lions first 3 rounds

If any of you read yesterday, I said that if the Lions have the chance to take Eric Fisher at #5, the Lions should pass.  Just to recap, I don’ t believe in the homer pick, I’d like Fisher to start a new life somewhere else and if the Lions go 4-12 this year, I don’t want the blame put on him. 
The secondary has been atrocious and help is needed.  I like Chris Houston and the Glover Quin was a nice FA signing but the Louis Delmas and the rest of the bad company back there give me little confidence heading into the fall.  Dee Milliner would be my pick at #5 which shores up a very swiss-cheese like secondary.

For the Lions 2nd round pick, the Lions, after overhauling their O-Line this past off-season will take Menelik Watson, OT from Florida State.  Everything I've read about this guy says he’s a potential first round pick and is fast. At 6-5 310, he’s a perfect replacement for the retiring Jeff Backus.  Watson has size and length needed for the Lions O-Line and his size, speed, strength and field intelligence lead me to believe the Lions take him with the 36th pick.

In the 3rd Round, I think the Lions find themselves in a conundrum.  Let’s not kid ourselves here, the Lions have had very little production out of their picks after the second round so this really is a crap shoot.  After addressing CB and OT, the Lions could go a multitude of directions.  They still need help on the O-Line, they could use a pass rusher (unless you all are fine w/ Willie Young and Jason Jones) and have linebacker needs. 

Their 3rd round pick will be Barrett Jones, Center/OT/OG from Alabama.  Dom Raiola is no spring chicken and Jones anchored an Alabama O-Line that has produced three National Championships in the last 4 years and a plethora of solid running backs like Mark Ingram.  Jones stands 6-4 306, already taller and bigger than Raiola (6-1, 295) and Jones is only 22 yrs old.  He’ll be the anchor for the Lions for the next 10 years and his experienced college resume makes him the right choice for the Lions at 65th overall.

The jury is out for the remainder of the draft as to what the Lions will do.  As I mentioned yesterday, the Lions have done a very poor job scouting the later rounds for talent and have not been able to draft NFL caliber players on this team.  Scouting has been a real issue for the Lions and I’m not talking about the Millen era.  We’re past that people.  I don’t put anymore blame on it because it’s just an excuse; another way to deflect blame and provide a reason why this team has been so putrid for so long. I’m not buying it anymore and neither should you.  I’ve added some highlight reels of my pick predictions.  Enjoy the tape and come back tomorrow for Lions Draft Preview 2K13 Part 3 and follow @ajcoopdeville for live tweets during tomorrow night’s draft.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lions Draft Preview 2K13 Preview Pt. 1

Why Eric Fisher is not the #5 Pick

No question, this team has holes.  Offensive and Defensive Line, Linebackers, Secondary, Wide Receiver are all areas of need for the Lions.  They no question need to find a pro bowl-esque player for the next 10 years at one of those positions of need and I do not believe Eric Fisher is the answer. 

Now let me be clear, I don’t think he’ll even be there at the #5 pick anyways so all of this may be for nothing but if he is, listen to me closely Martin Mayhew - please stay away – far away from the “homer” pick.  Let Big Fish start a new life in Kansas City, Jacksonville or Philadelphia.  Don’t bring him into the circus that is the Detroit Lions franchise and put him under the microscope.  Speaking as a Chippewa Alum, I am extremely excited for Fisher and for Thursday but I don’t believe he’s the right pick because he would be a homer pick.

Ideally I think the Lions trade down. Why you ask? It’s because Joeckel and Fisher will both be gone and they've got too many holes to bank on a project like DE Ziggy Ansah.  They need to adopt the Bill Bellichek draft methodology and stockpile picks.  You have to consider that the Lions don’t have a 4th rounder so they’re already short picked this year.  Drop down in the 1st to maybe get another 2nd or 3rd would be a great move for them. 

The other likely scenario is that Joeckel and Fisher are gone, the Lions fail to trade down and they’re on the clock having to make a pick at 5.  If that’s the situation, I’d select Dee Milliner.  Their secondary has been so porous for so long I think you invest now and take talent over a project.  It’s a tired bit but the Lions have left so much talent on the board that a can’t miss defensive pick is a must.  I agree, a tackle makes sense but I don’t see the guy at #5.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let's make Turducken

It’s Thanksgiving Week and the Lions and Pistons are a combined 5-15 (pending the Pistons loss to the Celtics tonight).  This dumpster fire is getting bigger by the day and come Thursday when I’m relaxing back in GP ready to stuff my face with turkey, I know I’ll shake my head all the way to the dinner table after Houston drops 50+ on the Lion D.

The Lions can’t close a game and the Pistons can’t win a game. Lions will miss the playoffs and finish under .500 and the Pistons will struggle to get to .500.  The lone bright spot from either team comes from Auburn Hills and it’s regarding a roster spot.  Kyle Singlar played one season in Spain and has decent success.  Charlie V and Austin Daye have sucked their entire time with the Pistons.  Singler gets a couple tune ups and already surpasses both of these bums on the roster putting up 15/5 numbers for Singler and a bunch of DNP-CD’s for Charlie and Austin.  Glad to see Piston Brass got that one right.  My hope by the end of the year is this starting lineup: BK, Singler, Maggette, Moose and Drummond

Since it is Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season is upon us, I wanted to take an opportunity to ask what Detroit Sports moment are you most thankful for.  There are a lot of options to choose from but let me know your moment either as a comment in this blog or on facebook (sportsinthe313).  Thanks for reading and Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

For Mike Pachla

Wow, my apologies for letting this blog fall by the wayside for as long as it has.  Pachla, you’ve been requesting an update so while I watch the Lions dismantle the Jags, here goes nothing.

The NBA is underway and the Pistons are winless.  My only hope for them this year is they play Drummond, Singler and English early and often.  See what you have in your youth.  The combo of Greg “The Moose” Monroe and Brandon Knight are the future.  Gone are the days of exceptional defense from Tayshaun Prince and whatever anyone thought Stuckey would bring to the table.  Anyone else on the roster not in their first or second year is just adding to the dumpster fire the Pistons team is.  The playoffs are a (slim) possibility. I’ve told enough of my friends (@ddiggy209, @chaps07 and Pachla) that I do believe they sneak in as a 7-8 seed.

Lions have crawled back to .500 with a win against the lowly Jags.  A trap game? Yes. A game that was a must win?  Definitely.  They’ll need some help the rest of the way if the Leo’s want to make it back to the playoffs this year.  I still think they’ll fall well short of the season expectations.  Their drafting has been shotty the past couple of years and they don’t have a real dependable defense.  But a win is a win and getting back to .500 is impressive as they head into the meat of their schedule. 

Now normally I don’t comment on my Alma Mater but since I do reside in the 989, let me comment on the Mighty Chips of Mt. Pleasant.  The chips dropped another rivalry game against Western yesterday.  They squandered a 9 point lead to lose 42-31 in a game they fumbled away.  Now I’m not a coach or claim to be but I tell ya, the play calling for the Chippewas is an embarrassment.  Enos hasn’t worked out as the successor for Butch Jones and the steep drop off from the LeFevour era has really crippled this program.  I don’t believe it’ll be another 3-9 year, mainly because 2 of our last 3 games are against team with a combined total of 1 win.  Sure, there may be some improvement record wise, but it’s not the Chippewa football I or my friends from CMU are used to seeing.

A bit of a housekeeping note, I forgot/lost my account info for @sportsinthe313 so please check out @ajcoopdeville for the latest and greatest. Until then, Cooper out.   

Monday, August 13, 2012

Relax Hockeytown - Everything's Alright

Many of you may be wondering, why haven’t the Red Wings had a big time free agent signing this offseason? Doesn’t Ken Holland see the need for some new talent on a team that hasn’t won a cup since 2008 and that quickly approaching the five year mark?  Well Wings fans, I don’t think there is any cause for concern right now because there isn’t the talent out there that I’d want the Red Wings to spend their dollars on. Guys upfront like Filppula, Helm and Emmerton will have to provide some scoring power and on defense you're going to see some new faces who'll have a great opportunity to step up. 

My opinion, I'm glad to see that they didn't make any high profile signings.  I'm intrigued by the fact they've got some young talent in the works that will have the opportunity to have significant ice time this season.  Brenden Smith, Gustav Nyquist Jan Mursak and Jakub Kindl could be the future for the Red Wings.  In past years, playing time has been at a premium but that's changed.

Sure, if they would have added Parise and Suter then we’d be talking about a whole different ballgame.  However, just because they didn't sign either of those two and didn’t waste their money on the likes of Alexander Semin or Jaromir Jagr or Matt Carle doesn’t signal the end of their playoff streak.  I still see the Wings as a dominate team in the Central.  Just by process of elimination they are still on top.  The Predators and Jackets lost key players and the ‘Hawks and Blues but I'm not worried - this division is very much winnable. 

The extra dollars Holland has to work with allows him to reassess the situation and play free agency the right way and not the Joe D way (cough cough 40 million for Charlie V cough cough).  Rest easy Hockeytown, all is well western front.