Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lions Draft Preview 2K13 Preview Pt. 1

Why Eric Fisher is not the #5 Pick

No question, this team has holes.  Offensive and Defensive Line, Linebackers, Secondary, Wide Receiver are all areas of need for the Lions.  They no question need to find a pro bowl-esque player for the next 10 years at one of those positions of need and I do not believe Eric Fisher is the answer. 

Now let me be clear, I don’t think he’ll even be there at the #5 pick anyways so all of this may be for nothing but if he is, listen to me closely Martin Mayhew - please stay away – far away from the “homer” pick.  Let Big Fish start a new life in Kansas City, Jacksonville or Philadelphia.  Don’t bring him into the circus that is the Detroit Lions franchise and put him under the microscope.  Speaking as a Chippewa Alum, I am extremely excited for Fisher and for Thursday but I don’t believe he’s the right pick because he would be a homer pick.

Ideally I think the Lions trade down. Why you ask? It’s because Joeckel and Fisher will both be gone and they've got too many holes to bank on a project like DE Ziggy Ansah.  They need to adopt the Bill Bellichek draft methodology and stockpile picks.  You have to consider that the Lions don’t have a 4th rounder so they’re already short picked this year.  Drop down in the 1st to maybe get another 2nd or 3rd would be a great move for them. 

The other likely scenario is that Joeckel and Fisher are gone, the Lions fail to trade down and they’re on the clock having to make a pick at 5.  If that’s the situation, I’d select Dee Milliner.  Their secondary has been so porous for so long I think you invest now and take talent over a project.  It’s a tired bit but the Lions have left so much talent on the board that a can’t miss defensive pick is a must.  I agree, a tackle makes sense but I don’t see the guy at #5.


  1. Hey Andy, just to clarify, the Lions do in fact have a 4th round pick. It was a compensatory pick awarded to them at the end of the 4th round to compensate for losing Eric Wright.

  2. Originally they had no 4th rounder which was my point but let's be honest, name the last 4th round pick that has actually panned out for the Lions! Thanks for the comment!
