Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let's make Turducken

It’s Thanksgiving Week and the Lions and Pistons are a combined 5-15 (pending the Pistons loss to the Celtics tonight).  This dumpster fire is getting bigger by the day and come Thursday when I’m relaxing back in GP ready to stuff my face with turkey, I know I’ll shake my head all the way to the dinner table after Houston drops 50+ on the Lion D.

The Lions can’t close a game and the Pistons can’t win a game. Lions will miss the playoffs and finish under .500 and the Pistons will struggle to get to .500.  The lone bright spot from either team comes from Auburn Hills and it’s regarding a roster spot.  Kyle Singlar played one season in Spain and has decent success.  Charlie V and Austin Daye have sucked their entire time with the Pistons.  Singler gets a couple tune ups and already surpasses both of these bums on the roster putting up 15/5 numbers for Singler and a bunch of DNP-CD’s for Charlie and Austin.  Glad to see Piston Brass got that one right.  My hope by the end of the year is this starting lineup: BK, Singler, Maggette, Moose and Drummond

Since it is Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season is upon us, I wanted to take an opportunity to ask what Detroit Sports moment are you most thankful for.  There are a lot of options to choose from but let me know your moment either as a comment in this blog or on facebook (sportsinthe313).  Thanks for reading and Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. i had great commentary...but i lost it all.

    in short, fire schwartz, trade suh, and draft defense with EVERY SINGLE PICK for the next 3 drafts.

    i will not attend one tiger game this yr. they must win the WS before i fork over any more $$$ to see them play. love the hunter signing though. put it on my tab. ive never been more excited for spring ball too.

    pistons are better than their record indicates...still going bold...5-8 seed.

    redwings = lost memories

    fire enos.
