Thursday, July 12, 2012

Live from Mt. Pleasant

I know I know, it’s taken me damn near forever to update this blog and I’m sure you’re all clamoring for the latest and greatest.  Well before I get into it, let me tell you the reason I’ve been away.  I recently have taken a new job with IMG College as an Account Executive with Central Michigan.  I moved back up to good ol’ Mt. Pleasant on Sunday and started my new career.  In my downtime since leaving MA, I spent an awesome week in Port Austin slamming Hams (beer not the meat), doing shots of Root 100 (terrible idea) pounding vegas bomb after vegas bomb and building the biggest man made slip-n-slide Port Austin has ever seen.  All in all a great final week in metro Detroit but I am now back “home” in Mt. P.

Now on to the pressing questions…and I’ll be short and sweet. 

Pistons draft pick Andre Drummond – I LOVE it for 2 reasons.

He fills a need.  Greg “The Moose” Monroe needs help on the weak side and although he’s a kid, Drummond is already 280 and has a Tayshaun-like wingspan. 

Name me another GM that for 3 straight years manages to have the player of their dreams fall AGAIN so the Pistons can draft them.  Monroe, Knight and now Drummond all were players that weren’t supposed to be there.  Joe lucked out again and I think it’ll really pay off.

The next step for Joe is to amnesty CV31, play the hell out of the young guys and clear as much salary space as possible so Joe has the funds to go out and get real gamechangers than can help the Pistons return to form.

Tigers will be fine.  The AL Comedy Central is a joke. The White Sox and Tribe are not as good as advertised and the Tigers will win this division.  Pitching has come around, hitting has DEFINITLEY come around and though their defense still sucks, I’m not worried.  The trade deadline will come and go, Tigers will not make a move and we’ll be just fine in the second half of the season.

I'm very excited about this opportunity and I'm looking forward to what lies ahead.  Stay tuned for the latest sports chat.  Feel free to drop me a line and suggest a topic.  Until next time, same bat place same bat channel - #FIREUPCHIPS

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