Monday, May 14, 2012

State of the Pistons Address

Another season gone by and another season down the drain for the Pistons.  A sad 25-41 record in a shortened 66 game season has the Pistons yet again heading to the NBA Draft Lottery and it should’ve been worse.  In the only professional sports league in the U.S. where losing is actually winning, the Pistons delusional front office manages to win just enough to put themselves on the outside looking in. 

Why win games in the NBA when your team is inferior compared to their opponents?  Let’s be real here for a moment.  The NBA is made up of six elite teams, a handful of good ones and then the rest are just garbage.  Your Detroit Pistons are in that last category.   It’s the blind leading the blind in Auburn Hills where a brand new owner has allowed a GM to resign the entire team to multi-year contracts which prevents money being spent on any talent going forward. 

I will give credit to Joe Dumars for winning a championship and I’ll give him credit for a couple drafts picks but other than that, he’s been living on easy street.  I think Dumars has gotten a free pass since he won that title back in 2004 and since then hasn’t done a damn thing.  Horrible drafts, awful trades and a merry-go-round of head coaches have resulted in a 121-191 record since 2007.  Sure, Joe drafted the building blocks for the future in Greg Monroe and Brandon Knight but I’m even critical of those picks.  I say that because both those players fell to the Pistons.  It would have been foolish for him not to select them.  He hasn’t had to make any tough decisions in the past two drafts and that worries me because you can’t bank on the fact a quality player is going to fall to you  every time.

The Pistons have two players to build around.  Outside of that, I’d be fine if they get rid of the entire team.  There is no future with Tayshaun and Stuckey and Big Ben.  They’ve got wasted contracts in Charlie V, Austin Daye and Maxiell.  The only way a team can start the rebuilding process is by cleaning house and starting fresh.  Unfortunately they missed the mark again this year.  We’ll have to stick out another dumpster fire of a season and hope they really suck to have better chances of drafting top talent. 

The state of the Pistons isn’t good.  They suck.  Lose some games, get some more ping pong balls and hope that the Detroit Pistons grab the number one pick of the 2013 NBA Draft.

Let me know what you think by leaving me a comment, hitting me up on Facebook or checking me out on twitter @sportsinthe313



  1. Ya, ever since the Pistons won it in 2004 Joe has lost his touch. However, it makes me angry when the bandwagon fans jump on only when the Pistons excel! I have and always will be a loyal fan and support them, but Joe needs to stick with a coach longer than a week and make some good draft picks, otherwise he needs to go.

  2. My question now is who gets amnestied? I've heard that Ben Gordon's contract makes the most sense but Charlie V is only good for mopping up sweat between plays. There's no sense in keeping BG with stucky, bynumite, and knight also on the team but Charlie V is such a tremendous waste.

    I do believe the stones can build another championship team and that they don't need the #1 overall pick to do it. Bball is different from other sports as there is a lag between executive decisions and the on-court results. Right now, Joe-D is getting a lot of heat for missing so badly on the Darko pick and successive drafts. But more recently he has made some very good picks (as you pointed out). They've simply been handcuffed in free agency (also can be linked back to Joe D). So much of this, however, is in the gray area that existed following Bill Davidson's death, when the organization was in limbo. Fans right now have a difficulty placing blame on anyone so all that remains is apathy.

    To bring it all back, I believe the decision to amnesty a player and release/trade others THIS off season will seal Joe-D's fate with the franchise. If he puts the correct pieces in motion, the team could turn around quickly. If not, the stones will say farewell.

  3. It's interesting to me to compare what the Spurs are doing with where the Pistons are now. It doesn't seem that long ago that they played against each other in the 2005 finals. The Pistons blew up their core, but the Spurs maintained the Big Three of Duncan-Parker-Ginobli while adding talented complementary pieces. Now, a whopping 7 years later, they are a legit title contender. I'm not saying the Pistons would've had similar success if they kept their core together, but it is interesting to compare the two. Joe D should've either kept it together by not trading Chauncey, or blew it up earlier when he could still use the players as valuable trade chips.
