Monday, April 30, 2012

The Ghost of Millen Past

I thought that the days of Matt Millen were over! I mean I spent ten years scratching my head on draft day wondering what in the hell was he thinking. Now the Lions are Millen-free, went 10-6 last year and made the playoffs. The real work for Martin Mayhew starts today as he takes his third draft class into the 2012 season and tries to build on last year’s momentum. Mayhew has drafted Stafford and Suh, two players that are the prized pieces for the Lions on offense and defense and then he’s also drafted bunch talentless nobodies that can’t hack it in the NFL.  2012 proved to be an important draft class for a team on the brink of success.

Results from the 2012 Draft
This year’s draft reminded me of a college beer pong game. The people that are playing are doing a fine job and then you have one of your drunken friends ask to throw a celebrity shot that completely misses the table. The Lions drafted 23rd overall, a position that isn’t going to garner the sexy pick. Picks outside the top 20 are position addressing picks that fill a need on the field instead of filling a stadium. But the Lions, I’m convinced, were visited by the ghost of Matt Millen. It’s the only way I can justify the players that they chose.
The Lions spent their first two picks on, surprise, offensive players. They took O-Tackle Riley Reiff from Iowa and (I’m shaking my head in disgust while typing) Wide Receiver Ryan Broyles from Oklahoma. It makes no sense why they went that direction. This team has needs on defense, not offense. Matt Stafford is great and Megatron is the best receiver in the game (On a side note, I think he will break the Madden Curse). Their offense will keep them in most games but it’s their defense that will win those games. Blatantly ignoring the teams most pressing needs at Linebacker and Defensive back does not bode well for a team already thin in those positions.  I thought the Lions draft plan was simple, draft defense, defense, and more defense. What do they do instead, spend their top two picks on an Offensive Tackle and a (wait for it) WIDE RECEIVER! Welcome back Matty! We haven’t missed you one bit!

I’m disappointed (to say the least!) in the way the draft went this year. I would have liked it a lot more if the Lions addressed their needs in the secondary with the 2nd round pick. It’ll be important for them to take some chances on undrafted free agents, a lot of whom are very talented players. They still need a running back and I wouldn’t be opposed to them signing a defensive end, one that they could pair up with Willie Young and have opposite of Cliff Avril.  I guess Mayhew and the rest of the Lions brass weren’t watching the same games as me last year.
Overall grade: C-. What is it going to take for the Lions brass to realize that defense wins championships? Top picks are meant to be starters, not works in progress.  I understand that picks in the 3rd-7th rounds were all spent on defense and I’m sure Mayhew is hopeful one or two of them pan out. My problem is that their offense wasn’t an issue last year.  Stafford threw for 5000 yards and Calvin had an MVP type season.  The Lions failed to address their most serious team needs on defense picks in 1st and 2nd rounds and it’ll show this season when they’re getting bombed because their defense can’t get off the field.
Make sure to follow me on twitter @sportsinthe313, like me on Facebook and check back next time when I do a special Pistons Recap for my dear friend Dan Chandonais.


  1. Well done Coop! However, I agree to disagree to a certain extent. Getting new secondary pieces as well as upgrading the line-backing core are essential componenets for our beloved leos, but, by drafting a solid beef-cake from IOWA, not only can we move helpless GODster down a peg on the right side, but the rook will get, and should get, a chance to start asap. BIG 10 linemen are decent picks in my eyes, and we do need to protect stafford. This leads me to discuss drafting another, yes, another WR for our potent offense. To be honest, with the way our running backs continually find ways to get hurt, and/or do illegal drugs, the only thing we can do is PASS! Just think about splitting the field 4 wide with staffords arm...pretty sweet IMO. Sure, if we had a half-way decent corner, MAYBE he would've picked off brees in the opening round of the playoffs. Or, like usual, we wouldn't have stopped them at all, and it would've been a shoot out regardless...(our offense could've/should've gotten us a win, and besides, the N.O. Saints D isn't the best either) I know broyles could be viewed as risky, but he was a stud prior to getting hurt, so lets give him a chance at least. Look at how dangerous the falcons are, and we added another threat yet!

    I do agree, in stating this "Pray to the nfl gods that one of the defensive picks turns out to be decent for us!" I don't know, or do I care, which one becomes an every day starter on the D side of the ball. Hold camps for all of the non-drafted kids, and I'm sure someone will pan out. Our defense isn't going to win us championships, and I know the "defense wins championships" mantra, but so does offense.

    Side notes, sign Bobby Abreu for a free lifetime supply of hot and readies, and please add Vald in the mix for the same deal. Joe must trade up to top 3, or trade down to 2014...get rid of daye, chuck v, and b.gordon (even though injuries have plagued them) bring lidstrom back for a cheap, one year deal, let homer, stuart (thank god hes leaving), and hudler go...and get SHEA WEBER!

    fire up chips....we need to go to the navy game!

  2. Great post Andy, but i have some disagreements with your post. I like the fact that they drafted the offensive tackle in the first round. Jeff Backus isn't the greatest offensive tackle anymore and does get beat on the weak side. Drafting the second top overall rated offensive tackle will help out in the future and protect our asset in Stafford. The second round pick i agree with you and think what were they thinking in drafting a wide out. We have plenty of good receivers as it is, along with our pick from last draft in Titus Young. Makes no sense but its the lions for you. I do like the remaining picks that they made in the cornerbacks and linebackers. I also like the fact that they went after Kellen Moore from Boise in the Free Agency. He could have a great NFL career and provide great back up support to Stafford.
